Just a Mom, trying to stay sane

Posts tagged ‘Birthdays’

Birthday Boy!

So today is the day…Goat is now 3! Happy Birthday to my baby boy! It seems like just yesterday that he was born. I remember meeting the Mr’s aunt, who is more like his mom, and sitting on her couch having contractions. Good times, good times, lol.Yeah, hot stuff, right? They wouldn’t really let me eat, I had been in the hospital for 24 hours, and I had only a salad before being admitted. Oh, and I was allowed a quick breakfast break about 4 hours before he was born. I had like half a bagel. When he was born, all I really wanted was to eat. I think I cleaned them out of graham crackers, waiting until I could get a “real” meal.

We certainly had a fun first year, getting in to the swing of having 2 young kids. Luckily the kids love each other and get along fairly well.

He wasn’t quite sure what to make of the icing, though he certainly scarfed it down pretty fast.

There’s a possibility that he may be the last baby I’ll have (though I’d love another one), so I’m savoring each moment as it comes.

Isn’t he just so handsome? This was his birthday last year. He spent most of it grabbing ice out of the cooler and eating it, lol.

And that brings us to today. He may have his bratty, frustrating moments, but he’s my (not so) baby boy and I love him to pieces.

3 years ago today I was bringing him in to the world. Involved was about 20 hours of tiny contractions, minimal pain, and boredom. Then my water broke. The next 4 hours were major contractions, intense feelings, some pain, and lots and lots of breathing. He was born a little after 11 am with no drugs, and we both went home the next day. He’s definitely a mama’s boy, and I just love when he crawls into my lap on the couch and cuddles with me, or when he climbs in between the Mr and I and lays with us for about 30 minutes. He’s in own, unique person and we love him very much.

Happy Birthday, son!