Just a Mom, trying to stay sane

Posts tagged ‘geek’

A bit about me

Well hey there. I guess, before I start right in on the craziness that is my life, I should introduce myself. I’m Kat. I’m 26, a stay at home mom to 2 wonderful kids, and a wife. I’m going to school for nursing, though it’s a bit slow, lol. Like I said, I’ve got 2 kids, Princess, who will be 5 in less than a month, and Goat, who will be 3 in 2 weeks.  Goat is developmentally disabled, considered “at risk for a future diagnosis of autism”, and an all around confusing but charming boy.  Princess is what her name implies…a princess. Part of that, I’m sure, is she was the first granddaughter.  She also happened to be the first grandchild for all but one set of her grandparents. She’s not a brat (usually), but with young grandparents and some great-grandparents still hanging around, well, she’s been spoiled, that’s for sure.

The Mr and I are a bit of geeks, though he certainly out geeks me any day of the week. I grew up loving books, Buffy, Angel, X-Files, and Star Wars. When we got together, he showed me the joys of Star Trek. I’m a huge bookworm, I can finish a book in a day, if I don’t have anything else to do. My favorite author is Laurell K Hamilton, she writes some amazing vampire/were animal books (not that Twilight stuff, REAL vampires). If you’re not afraid of sex and violence, read her. I warn you, after book 10 of her Anita Blake series, the books get…sexually graphic, to say the least.

Anyway, this blog will serve as a way for me to vent, regarding the every day struggles of having one “normal” child and one “not so normal” child. I’ll also probably talk about the struggles of being a housewife while attending school. If I get a job in the next few months like I hope I will, the blog will include the struggles of balancing everything together. I’ll probably talk about books, movies, and tv shows. I can’t promise I’ll be funny (though according to some of my followers on Twitter, I’m funnier than I realize) or witty, or even have the best grammar, but I’ll be real. This is who I am, and I learned long ago not to try to be someone I’m not.