Just a Mom, trying to stay sane

Posts tagged ‘Food’

Yummy Dinner

Hi all. So The Mr and I decided that we didn’t want the buffet OR Chinese food, so instead we opted for Texas Roadhouse, a very yummy steakhouse that’s just down the road from us.  If you live in Phoenix, we often go to the Metro location. The staff is friendly, service is great (for the most part), and the atmosphere is fun.

As usual, we ordered a Cactus Blossom for an appetizer, but kept to iced tea for our drinks. A Cactus Blossom is like an Awesome Blossom or an Onion Bloom, depending on which steakhouse you’ve been to before. The Cactus Blossom was delicious as usual. For Tank, we ordered chicken strips with french fries, while The Mr and I both ordered the 6 oz sirloin, cooked medium well. I ordered mine with the salad and french fries, while The Mr ordered his smothered with onion and mushrooms, with a side of cheese covered fries and a rice pilaf type dish. Unfortunately, the one issue I’ve had with this restaurant has continued with tonight’s dinner. Every time we’ve been there, my order has NEVER been cooked the way I wanted. Tonight I ordered medium-well, yet there was absolutely no pink to be seen anywhere. The first time I ordered it well done, I was brought out medium-well. Oh well, there are worse things that could happen, and the food is so delicious, no matter how it’s cooked, I never complain and always enjoy my yummy steak. I feel bad that I didn’t take any pictures of my food, I’ll try to remember to start doing that, sorry!

Do you want to hear something amazing? Remember how I went to the doctor today? While at dinner, I missed a call from the doctor’s office. I had asked them for something regarding Tank, so I figured the missed call and subsequent voicemail was from Tank’s doctors’ nurse. Imagine my surprise when I checked my voicemail and found it be message from the doctor I saw today, checking to see how I was feeling after my adjustments. To have the doctor actually call me up, himself, is really some amazing..um, customer service? Is that the right term to use for something like this? Hmm, either way, it definitely makes me want to stay with this practice. Our family practice is coupled with a pain management group, so I just had to travel upstairs, which is nice and convenient.

In other amazing news, we’ve been having a difficult time potty training Tank. In the last 2 weeks, he’s actually been going potty at school. In the last 2 days, he’s been going regularly on the potty here at home. Today, I put him in a clean pull-up right before nap, and that pull-up has lasted until bed time. That’s right, he’s kept dry since 2pm today! Squee! Here’s hoping this is a trend that will last for a while and be expanded on!

Alright all, I’m going to go get comfy on the couch and catch up on episodes of NCIS and Friends. Hope to see you all later!

Our First Tweet Up

So last night was the first time we had attended a Tweet Up. If you don’t know, that’s where you get together with a bunch of people you talk with on Twitter and meet each other in real life. Last night was the Bookmans Phoenix Tweet Up. The turn out wasn’t the biggest, the Mr, Tank and I were there, along with one other Tweeter and her 2 kids, and the woman behind the Bookmans Phoenix Twitter account, Yvette, but it was a really fun night. We got to talk about some of the things we’d like to see from them in the future. Yvette brought out a craft project for Tank to work on, so he wouldn’t be bored.

Here he is, with the finished ornament project. There was also coffee and some great snack from the Bookmans Mesa cafe. By the way, I’m now very jealous of them because those baked goods? Yummy! I should have grabbed a picture, but to be honest, I just forgot. I guess I really need to get the whole picture part of this blog down.

Anyway, it was a nice time. We munched on some baked goods, enjoyed some yummy coffee, had a great time chatting with the others, and found out some interesting things about our favorite bookstore. If you’re in Arizona, I strongly encourage you to check out Bookmans. They’re all about recycling and keeping things as local as possible. They also have amazing prices on books, movies, and games.

We actually had some store credit from the last time we sold books to them so we picked the kids up some new books.

Here’s Tank, reading Curious George for bed. Well, I read the story and then gave him the book, so he could go through it again. That’s what this is.

In other news, I just turned on the heat for the first time this winter. Today’s high is supposed to be 65 degrees, with a low of 49. I know it’ll be shut off before lunch, but the apartment is just a little too chilly to do without it. I’m in a sweater, pants and socks and I’m still cold. I’m just looking to take the chill out of the air so I don’t feel like I’m an ice-cube. This year, my joints hurt more than last year, so I’m going to avoid suffering, especially since we have a flat rate on our electricity. YAY! If I chose to make it 90 degrees in here this winter (yuck!), I could without worries. There are a few advantages to living in an apartment and this is one of them.

Alright everyone, I’m going to head out and see about taking Tank for a walk to the pet store across the street. He loves looking at all the animals and I love him doing all that running.

Question of the Day: Have you turned on your heater yet? How cold is it where you’re at?


The Mr and I are both trying to lose weight. I’m on Weight Watcher’s and spilling what I’m learning from that on to the rest of the family. The kids obviously don’t need to lose weight, just us adults, but I think instilling healthy eating habits is good. We love beef, but it can be a lot of points, even when bought lean. One of the things my parents taught me to do to make beef meal healthier is to do half  beef and half ground turkey. Last weekend we had dinner with my parents, spaghetti with a meat sauce. My mom used turkey as the meat, but didn’t tell the Mr until after he’d eaten it. He actually enjoyed it, so this week he asked if we could do turkey burgers. Last night I made my burgers half and half, and then made a small one for him that was just turkey. He enjoyed it so much, he asked for burgers again tonight, this time just plain turkey for him. I can’t quite make the switch to just turkey, yet, for myself, so I made a combo burger, but the Mr and Princess each had turkey burgers. They just loved them!

I accidentally picked up the Italian seasoned turkey instead of just regular ground turkey, so that may be why I’m having a harder time making the switch. Next time, I’ll make sure to pick up the regular. I think the Italian would work great for pasta dishes, but it’s a bit…off-putting for burgers, in my opinion. Now to munch on a few chocolate covered pretzels before the night is over. Hey, I’m still within my points for the day, thank you very much! Ha ha.

Today was a good day, a productive day to end a productive week. Wednesday we had the meeting with the school district, yesterday we had the last of Goat’s occupational therapy sessions and his second to last speech therapy session. I also picked up his birth certificate yesterday and had our 6 month meeting with our support coordinator with DDD. Today I dropped off his paperwork at the preschool and got everything taken care of for that, picked up Princess, and got a little bit of cleaning done. I need to do more, but I have to clean in spurts or else I burn out and refuse to life a finger the rest of the day.  The Mr and I are going to watch some movies tonight, after Princess finishes her movie, The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe. We rented Something Borrowed and Red Riding Hood.

Off to do some more dishes (I HATE dishes).

What are you doing tonight?